Mind Screwdriver: The descriptions of the music in the options menu explain some of the story.Which makes moments such as that in the second game, where Qbby sees his past self on another planet and wakes him up, to be even more confusing. Mind Screw: The games' narrative can be confusing to parse, as there is no dialogue to explain.Idle Animation: Qbby and his friends will either dance or fall asleep to the music if left idle for long enough.

In BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!, the hint system is activated by spending medals.If you've already paid for the hint, you can view it as many times as you want until you either pass the point or quit. In the 3DS games, if you're stuck on a puzzle, you can pay a Play Coin (built into the 3DS, you get these for walking in real life) for the game to temporarily flash where Qbby and the boxes are supposed to be.The Golden Ending at the end of Qudy's story shows Qudy doing likewise, being seemingly rendered lifeless in his last-ditch effort to stop the black mist. The fourth game shows Qucy and Qbby do this at the end of both "A Tale for One" and "A Tale For Two", though Qbby's attempt in the former goes poorly.The third game has all four Qbabies do this at the end of their missions, and Qbby, Qucy, and Qudy do likewise at the end of the story.Heroic Sacrifice: The first game ends with Qbby and Qucy becoming part of the ground in order to fuel a machine to save their planet, with a new Qbby being born later.After beating all three of BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!'s campaigns and equipping all four fragments, the Downer Ending from "A Tale for One" is replaced with a Golden Ending - the fragments form a second character, allowing the machine to activate and restore the planet to health.Golden Ending: The ending to "A Tall Tale" is this to the other two campaigns in BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!, in which Qudy stops the black mist and saves Qbby and Qucy.It's possible to improve the rank by replaying the stages. After clearing all stages, the player is given an End-Game Results Screen with overall ranks in these categories for the whole game. Gameplay Grading: Each world (and in games besides the first, each individual stage) is graded on completion time, boxes used, and replays used, with grades ranging from D to S.Extended Gameplay: The series, barring BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!, will usually open up some bonus worlds that are harder than the main game once the final normal world is beaten.It destroys anything it comes in contact with, and the third game reveals there's a whole planet of it, which repels Qbby's attempted landing at first. Expy: The black mist functions similarly to Dark Matter from the Kirby series.They can also trigger switches and collect crowns. Qbabies are actually quite smart, as they won't walk into danger and can jump over gaps and on Qbby's boxes. Escort Mission: Bye-Bye BoxBoy! features the Qbabies, who follow Qbby and must be taken to the goal to complete the level.Downer Ending: The "A Tale for One" ending of BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! ends with the planet being destroyed due to the final machine requiring two box beings to be activated, though the final shot reveals another box falling from the sky in an all-too familiar fashion next to the blackened Qbby.If you wait long enough on the "The End" card, you'll see Qbby slowly open his eyes. Disney Death: Bye-Bye BoxBoy! ends with Qbby and his friends seemingly sacrificing their lives to save the universe.Slowly averted in Bye-Bye BoxBoy!, which uses gradients from white to other colors, and fully averted in BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!, where the backgrounds are colorful but in a geometric style. Deliberately Monochrome: Most of the game's world is black and white, with occasional colors now and then.Co-Op Multiplayer: BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! has "A Tale for Two", an alternate storyline which can be played cooperatively with another player or on your own via swapping between Qbby and Qucy.You can also get a costume modeled after him. Outside of Kirby, Qbby can also be found in the scenery of every level in the HAL-developed Part Time UFO.

Company Cross References: As HAL Laboratory also developed the Kirby series, there are a few to be found:.However, a set of three lategame outfits in BoxBoy!, as well as the Qucy costume in Bye-Bye BoxBoy!, actually do have impacts on gameplay and can break puzzles slightly. Cosmetic Award: Currency can be used to buy clothing in all four games, most of which has no effect on gameplay.